Dying Swan:      Runner-up Telegraph Open Poetry Competition 2023. Judge  Tristram Fane Saunders:  'Dying Swan seduced me with its sheer musicality... '

It does not grow easier,
this shift to winged other,
this stepping of flesh to gradated feather ─ 

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Judges, gods, officials with stop clocks at races,
all need straight lines to know you’ve crossed them;

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TEXTS    ( First  published in Mslexia, 'EYEVERSE' , September 2023 edition )

Across the Dyfi estuary charcoal clouds may veil the wind turbines ─ I know this,

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Market Day  : Long-listed PLOUGH POETRY PRIZE  2023

There’s a shortcut under the railway arches, but it’s risky. 
You must stay alert to the flurry, coo and squawk of pigeons 
coupling in the iron pediments above your head; dance your way 
in girder-dim light, around, between and over piles of guano, 

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